2 - Linked List Implementation I - 2101637541 - Vick Koesoemo Santoso

2 - Linked List Implementation I  - 2101637541 - Vick Koesoemo Santoso

Single Linked List
Single linked list adalah sekumpulan node yang terhubung ke node lain melalui pointer.
Image result for single linked list

Single linked list Insert
(PushHead) = jika kita ingin memasukkan node baru dari depan
struct tnode *node =
(struct tnode*) malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));
node->value = x;
node->next  = head;
head = node;

Single linked list delete
// if x is in head node
if ( head->value == x ) {
          head = head->next;
// if x is in tail node
else if(tail->value == x){
          while(curr->next!=tail) curr = curr->next;
          free(tail); tail = curr;
          tail->next = NULL;
// if x is not in head node, find the location
else {
          while ( curr->next->value != x ) curr = curr->next;
          struct tnode *del = curr->next;
          curr->next = del->next;

Polynomial Representation

Circular Single Linked List
Di circular linked list node terakhir berisi pointer ke node pertama
Tidak ada nilai NULL
Image result for circular linked list

Doubly Linked List
Dalam Doubly linked list 2 penunjuk arah yaitu ke arah node sebelum (prev) dan node sesudah (After)
Image result for doubly linked list
Doubly linked list insert
Jika ingin menambahkan node baru dari belakang(tail).
struct tnode *node =
          (struct tnode*) malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));
node->value = x;
node->next  = NULL;
node->prev  = tail;
tail->next  = node;
tail = node;

Jika ingin menambahkan node baru dari posisi tertentu diantara depan dan belakang.
struct tnode *a = ??;
struct tnode *b = ??;
// the new node will be inserted between a and b
struct tnode *node =
          (struct tnode*) malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));
node->value         = x;
node->next = b;
node->prev = a;
a->next       = node;
b->prev       = node;

Doubly linked list delete
1.    Jika node dihapus adalah satu satunya node.
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
2.    Jika node dihapus dari depan:
head = head->next;
head->prev = NULL;
3.    Jika node dihapus dari belakang:
tail = tail->prev;
tail->next = NULL;
4.    Jika node dihapus dari posisi tertentu
struct tnode *curr = head;
while ( curr->next->value != x ) curr = curr->next;
struct tnode *a   = curr;
struct tnode *del = curr->next;
struct tnode *b   = curr->next->next;
a->next = b;
b->prev = a;

Circular Doubly Linked List
Sama seperti circular single linked list hanya saya setiap node memiliki 2 penunjuk (pointer).
Image result for circulaly double lnked list

Header Linked List
Header linked list adalah type khusus linked list karena memiliki node header di awal linked list.
Jadi dalam Header linked list START tidak akan menunjuk ke node pertama dari linked list tapi START akan berisi alamat node header.
Image result for header linked list
Vick Koesoemo Santoso


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